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A Blockbusters Adventure in the heart of England

TBA September 2025

It's not a definite yet, but we are trying. If successful we will run our planned 2020 event. With an 80's movies theme our Blockbusters adventure is heading to the heart of England, assembling on a Thursday evening in September to plot the route and start our journey back in time. Join us for an adventure to remember!  Hack to the future!!!

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Sign up your team now, click the registration button!

We don't tell you where you are going - that's all part of the challenge! You will only know the overnight hotel details in advance. Each evening teams solve clues to draw a route on their map before heading off the following morning on that day's adventure. Once registered we will send details of the overnight hotels and provide various guides to the event and navigation... and so the adventure begins. You can find out more about what to expect by reading our FAQ.

2020 - 2024: No Events

It was not possible to hold our usual event. Please support Barnardo's through our 100 club.

2019: CarTrek

With a science fiction theme our Car Trek adventure took us to North-West France, assembling on Thursday evening 12 September to plot the route and start our voyage. To boldly go where we hadn't been before... we visited some spectacular places and had much fun in Brest and Rennes.

2018: Roaming Romans

With a Roman theme our Roaming Romans adventure headed to the North of England, assembling on Thursday evening 13 September to plot the route and driving to the Scottish border and across England before finishing on Sunday 16 September back in Yorkshire.

2017: Knight Riders

A Kinght's Adventure in the New Forest over the long weekend 7-10 September 2017.

With a medieval theme our Knight Riders adventure headed to Dorset and Hampshire, assembling on Thursday evening 7 September to plot the route before embarking on a fantastic drive through stunning scenery and completing some epic challenges!

2016: WhoDunnIT?

With a murder mystery theme, our WhoDunnIT? rally headed to France for the long weekend 16-18 September 2016.

Assembling on board the Portsmouth evening ferry on the Thursday evening we started our adventure at sea. With the first victim falling to our killers hand, the plot gradually unfolded with cryptic clues and many tricky challenges.

2015: Way Out West

From the Welsh borders, to the west coast, from north to south, with castles, dragons, mountains and some amazing "Top Gear" roads we took on the wild west frontier over the long weekend 18 - 20 September.

Once again there were many challenges along the way, and of course the cryptic route clues needed decoding to work out where they were going, and then there was getting there too!

2014: Amsterdammed

In our 2014 event we travelled from the north east corner of France, through Belgium and up through the Netherlands, taking in Bruges, Ghent, Amsterdam and other fine cities in Europe.

Amsterdammed: The Rise of the Dark Net was themed around vampires and werewolfs - see our blog and the photos of the teams in fancy dress and their decorated cars!

We assembled on the evening of Thursday 18 September on the south coast of the UK and dispersed on the afternoon of Sunday 21 September in Belgium. In between we covered 100's of miles, facing some tough challenges - both mentally and physically - and above all, raising much needed funds for Barnardo's to help in their work with vulnerable children.

Hiding in Amsterdam’s canal system lurks an unseen evil, ready to pounce on the vulnerable and lure them into a dark underworld. White Hat Rally teams must join with Barnardo’s in order to fight to protect vulnerable children and prevent this evil rising from the depths.

Throughout the decades, many have sought to destroy the evil and terrible creatures that lurk in Amsterdam’s Canal System, all have failed; do you have what it takes to defeat the creatures?
Amsterdammed: The Rise of the Dark Net
The adventure begins...
